Friday, March 4, 2011

The View From Nowhere

On Wednesday, I took the train to Greenwich. Greenwich is home to the Royal Observatory and, more famously, the Prime Meridian. I went up to the observatory towards the end of the day. To get there, I had to hike up a massive hill in Greenwich Park. It's a very nice park. We'll be seeing a lot of it next year- all the equestrian Olympic events will be taking place in the park. It's got a lot of woodland space. Corvids grok at you from the branches above, squirrels chatter, and dogs run with their masters.

Magpie is like the honey badger in that she just don't care. She's just walkin' around like she owns the place. I gave her a piece of my caramel slice.

That's London proper in the background there with a small part of the park stretching below.

This is the set of public standards. It was put there so anybody could come up and check how long something is.

This is the clock that keeps the world's time. Kinda neat, huh?

This is what the view is like from 0'0".

And an artsy behind-the-gate shot because I'm a dweeb like that.

The clock mechanism.

The planetarium.

The Observatory.

More of the park. I like that crow.

The Meridian Building, a building dedicated to, uh, being on the Prime Meridian.
In the UK, parks are made up of gardens. This one was on my way out. It's an herb garden and smells divine.

I've always wanted a formal garden like this, with little pathways and benches and hedgerows and stuff.

Where Norway has problems with motorcycles being jumped over cars, Greenwich has problems with rogue ice cream salesmen.

And... humped pelicans crossing the street? What? This wasn't even near the river... and there's no such thing as a Humped Pelican.

Humped Pelican=British for "Speed Bump." What the heck, England. What the heck.

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