Seems like everybody else is getting a travel blog to document their brief glimpse into the outside world. I've been told that I'll come back from this a new person. While that's probably not true, what is true is that this sort of record is useful and valuable. In my case, its utility is doubled, for not only will I use it to talk of my experiences, it shall also function as a place to share my research observations.
When I wrote my essay of intent for this study abroad program, I mentioned that my primary interest in London sat in its cemeteries, specifically the old ones. At the time, my intended thesis was about voodoo. That's changed now: My senior thesis is to be about marginalization in graveyards. If it doesn't make sense, don't worry. It does to anthropologists.
Anyways, this is mostly going to be a photolog. I suppose you should sit back and enjoy the pretty pictures.
Also, if you're one of my relatives, you're probably wondering about the title. The term "graveyard rabbit" is used to refer to a person who pokes about old graveyards, takes pictures, and generally documents their history. I prefer rats to rabbits. That's all.
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